Friday, October 31, 2008

10 rules for godly men

  1. We will willingly accept leadership, responsibility and commitment
  2. We will be courageous initiators, protectors and warriors
  3. We will expose and resist the feminisation of our culture and gender
  4. We will uphold and value feminine characteristics and virtues in women
  5. We will not apologise for being men
  6. We will fight for the truth and refute error
  7. We will serve with love, gentleness and passion
  8. We will spur our brothers on to be godly men
  9. We will work hard for the glory of God
  10. We will be men of steadfast faithfulness, purity and discipline
These came out of a discussion about reclaiming biblical manhood. Inspiring stuff but tough to live out. Slightly easier, but also important is a final rule:

11. We will have meaty discussions about meaty subjects whilst eating meaty sandwiches

1 comment:

Jonathan Skipper said...

Some good thoughts there, Matt, thanks.
I like no. 11 too!!